An announcement from Harvestation and IthaCan*
Harvestation is open for business!
What is Harvestation?
Harvestation is an online farmers market designed for buyers looking to purchase in bulk directly from local farms. Harvestation was developed this spring (2010) by Authentrics, Inc. (a local software company*) as a response to the growing number of requests from IthaCan members, who wanted to buy and sell farm products online.
*FYI, I'm working on this project.
Harvestation is open for business!
What is Harvestation?
Harvestation is an online farmers market designed for buyers looking to purchase in bulk directly from local farms. Harvestation was developed this spring (2010) by Authentrics, Inc. (a local software company*) as a response to the growing number of requests from IthaCan members, who wanted to buy and sell farm products online.
Through Harvestation, buyers are able to:
- shop from the comfort of their homes
- enjoy bulk discounts
- post their own wish-lists for farmers to browse
- place orders in advance of harvest
- get to know their farmers
Farmers are able to:
- sell directly from the farm
- set their own prices, minimum quantities, and pickup times
- accept payment via PayPal
- advertise their products online
- review wish-lists & plan according to buyers' desires
- get to know their customers
Thanks to funding from a Northeast SARE Sustainable Community Grant, Harvestation can be embedded as a widget on any website. Used independently or as a conduit to the main Harvestation site, the widget matches produce growers and meat producers with food preservers and vice versa. See the IthaCan Harvestation Resource Page for an example of how Harvestation can be embedded.
For more information visit Harvestation directly at
*FYI, I'm working on this project.

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