Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wide Awake Bakery offers baking classes

Announcement from Wide Awake Bakery:

A Shortcourse on Breadmaking with Locally Grown Grains- Encore!

Two sessions available:
Saturday, November 9, 8am-5pm
Sunday, November 10, 8am-5pm

Back by popular demand, bakers Stefan Senders and David McInnis of Wide Awake Bakery will again offer intensive, one-day courses on baking with locally grown and milled wheat. They’ll share insights and techniques that stem from their collaboration with local farmers and a new milling enterprise, Farmer Ground Flour. The course will include a practice-based session in the wood-fired bakery working with flours from the local mill, discussion of best practices in baking with “challenging” flours, and an introduction to baking with the ancient grains einkorn, emmer, and spelt. Plus, Stefan and David will share their experiences with their community-supported-baking or Breadshare.

This course is for artisan bakers, home bakers, farmers, millers, students, and all those interested in experimenting with locally grown grain. Space is limited: we have room for 12 participants per session. Cost for the course is $160, which includes breakfast and lunch, handouts on best baking practices and working with local grains, and samples of flour made from locally grown wheat and ancient grains. A limited number of scholarships are available for farmers interested in developing on-farm bakeries and for students.

To register, apply for a scholarship, or for more information contact Elizabeth Dyck (, 607 895 6913). Wide Awake Bakery is located at 4361 Buck Hill Road South, Trumansburg, NY 14886, about 10 miles west of Ithaca, NY. You can learn more about the bakery at

This shortcourse is sponsored by the Organic Growers’ Research and Information-Sharing Network (OGRIN) and is funded in part by the USDA/OREI Grant “Value-Added Grains for Local and Regional Food Systems.”

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