Crop Mob Announcement:
Hello Mobbers! Fall is here, and it's time to dig roots! All summer long beet and carrot plants have been channeling nutrients down their leaves, sending tiny roots into the soil, and collecting energy in their orange and red sweet and crisp roots. Come help Lucy and Chaw of Stick and Stone Farm dig and pull the roots which will be stored and dolled out over the winter to CSA members, local restaurants and grocery stores. You might even toss one in your cart at Greenstar later this year ;-).
Special Note: this mob is an opportunity for you to help raise money to support low-income families in our area in getting healthy farm-fresh food. You can get pledges for each pound of root veg. you harvest at Stick and Stone and the money goes straight to Ithaca Community Harvest, which, among other things, funds the BJM Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Snack Program. Here's some info:
Challenge yourself to be a farmer for an hour or afternoon and join a growing movement of farmers and community members working cooperatively to grow healthy farms and families!
Spend a beautiful autumn day harvesting food on a local farm. The fruits of your labor will provide youth with fresh snacks at school and enable low-income families to cook healthy meals. Invite family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues to join you in harvesting, or ask them to join you by making a monetary pledge in support of your challenge.
The money you raise will help Ithaca Community Harvest provide farm fresh food to schools, community centers, and homes in Ithaca who do not have access to healthy, organic produce.
Getting started is easy and fun. Sign-up here to take the harvest challenge:
Pledges or not, we're looking forward to seeing you!
Where: Stick and Stone Farm, 1605 Trumansburg Rd., Ithaca (also known as Buffalo St., Cliff St., Rt. 96n) - 4.5 miles from downtown Ithaca
When: Sunday October 23nd, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., followed by lunch
Who: you, your friends and family, your kids, but not your dog
What to bring: place setting: plate, bowl, spoon/fork; dress for the weather, and for mud; full water bottle.
Please RSVP so we know how much lunch to make at:
Hello Mobbers! Fall is here, and it's time to dig roots! All summer long beet and carrot plants have been channeling nutrients down their leaves, sending tiny roots into the soil, and collecting energy in their orange and red sweet and crisp roots. Come help Lucy and Chaw of Stick and Stone Farm dig and pull the roots which will be stored and dolled out over the winter to CSA members, local restaurants and grocery stores. You might even toss one in your cart at Greenstar later this year ;-).
Special Note: this mob is an opportunity for you to help raise money to support low-income families in our area in getting healthy farm-fresh food. You can get pledges for each pound of root veg. you harvest at Stick and Stone and the money goes straight to Ithaca Community Harvest, which, among other things, funds the BJM Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Snack Program. Here's some info:
Challenge yourself to be a farmer for an hour or afternoon and join a growing movement of farmers and community members working cooperatively to grow healthy farms and families!
Spend a beautiful autumn day harvesting food on a local farm. The fruits of your labor will provide youth with fresh snacks at school and enable low-income families to cook healthy meals. Invite family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues to join you in harvesting, or ask them to join you by making a monetary pledge in support of your challenge.
The money you raise will help Ithaca Community Harvest provide farm fresh food to schools, community centers, and homes in Ithaca who do not have access to healthy, organic produce.
Getting started is easy and fun. Sign-up here to take the harvest challenge:
Pledges or not, we're looking forward to seeing you!
Where: Stick and Stone Farm, 1605 Trumansburg Rd., Ithaca (also known as Buffalo St., Cliff St., Rt. 96n) - 4.5 miles from downtown Ithaca
When: Sunday October 23nd, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., followed by lunch
Who: you, your friends and family, your kids, but not your dog
What to bring: place setting: plate, bowl, spoon/fork; dress for the weather, and for mud; full water bottle.
Please RSVP so we know how much lunch to make at:

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