Upcoming Food, Farming, and Cooking Events in Ithaca, Tompkins County, and the Finger Lakes (Fall 2011) Have something to add? Email ithacasfoodweb@gmail.com
Ongoing Markets (Check out this map for locations of farmers markets)
Ithaca Farmers Market at Dewitt Park in Ithaca, from 9am-2pm
Trumansburg Farmers Market at the Village Park at Rte 96 and 227, from 4pm-7pm
Congo Square Market at 305 South Plain Street, in Ithaca, 4:00-8:00pm
Ithaca Farmers Market at Steamboat Landing in Ithaca, from 9am-3pm
Caroline Farmers Market at the Brooktondale Community Center on Saturdays from 10am to 2pm
Ithaca Farmers Market at Steamboat Landing in Ithaca, from 10am-2pm
Sept 22
Strategic Marketing for Livestock Producers
Thursday September 22, 6:30 PM -8:30 PM at multiple locations. The demand for locally raised meats and livestock products continues to grow. Strategic and specific marketing efforts can help you take full advantage of the local foods market. If you want to sharpen and focus your marketing skills or just don't know where to begin developing a marketing plan, Cornell Cooperative Extension can help!
Farmer's Ball
Saturday September 24, 5:00 PM -10:00 PM
The 7th Annual Farmer's Ball will be held on September 24th from 5:30-10pm at the Ithaca Farmers' Market at Steamboat Landing. Attendees are invited to dress the theme in 1920's garb and to partake in a dish-to-pass dinner, and an old-fashioned auction featuring vegetables, livestock, gift certificates, wine and more. Enjoy music from the Evil City String Band with dances called out by Nancy Spero.
Local composting experts provide information and give hands-on demonstrations to help you set up and manage a compost system in any setting! Each class of this FREE series (offered the last Saturday of the month, 10:00 to 11:00 am) covers composting basics, and special topics are added each month from July through October (see below) will help you address any compost issue you may encounter! Take one or all classes! Bring your composting questions! To sign up in advance, email Adam Michaelids, acm1@cornell.edu or call (607) 272-2292.
September 24 - "Stealth Composting" - How to maintain an indoor bin using a double bin system.
October 29 - "Winter Composting" - How to extend the composting season well into the cold months and the preparations necessary to ensure successful composting over the winter.
This September, the Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York
(NOFA-NY) launched its 2nd Annual NY Locavore Challenge and on Sunday,
September 25th will host its 2nd Annual Potluck Across NY State. Find a public potluck near you at :
or host a potluck for your friends and family. Email Lea@nofany.org to sign on!
Register for the NY Locavore Challenge at www.NYLocavoreChallenge.com or by
calling the NOFA-NY office at (585) 271-1979 ext. 512.
Sept 26
Cheese Club At Cornell Tasting
Monday, September 26 at 5:30pm to 6:30pm
$5 at Statler Hotel, Join the CCC as we guide you through a delicious tasting of cheese from Murray's. If you love cheese and want to learn more about the production of different styles, this is your calling. From fresh to blue and sheep to goat, we will guide you through a tasting of 6 scrumptious cheeses.
Cornell University Fall Harvest Dinner on Wednesday 9-28 at 4 pm Robert Purcell Community Center (second floor) Michael Welch publisher Edible Finger Lakes http://www.ediblefingerlakes.com/ and Barton Seaver, National Geographic Fellow, chef & author http://www.bartonseaver.org/ . Then at 5 pm in the Robert Purcell Eatery (price is around $12 for an all you can eat meal) enjoy the 6th Annual Fall Harvest Dinner. For details, see the PDF here.
Sept 29
Do you have ideas to ensure the sustainability of our regional economy? Come to the Community Input Forum of the Southern Tier Regional Economic Development Council on Thursday, Sept 29th from 6pm - 8pm at the Women’s Community Building (Corner of Seneca St. and Cayuga St. in Downtown Ithaca). Register here http://nyworks.ny.gov/souther-tier-form-08252011?width=700&height=500&iframe=true The current vision statement of the council is “Southern Tier has a robust and sustainable economy that capitalizes on its unique assets and rich history of innovation and technology. Through an effective collaborative regional approach, the region continues to build on the strong foundation of existing businesses and uses its nationally and globally competitive advantages to attract talent and investment for the development of key industry clusters, while increasing the prosperity of its workforce and businesses, ensuring healthy communities and a vibrant quality of life, and protecting the natural beauty and resources of the region.”
Sept 30 – Oct 2 Apple Harvest Festival
Oct 1
PERMACULTURE WORKSHOP. Heard of permaculture and want to learn more about it? Never heard of it, and want to learn about the interface between ecology and design? Come to Dilmun Hill Student Organic Farm for a PERMACULTURE WORKSHOP on Saturday, Oct. 1 from 11am-2pm at Dilmun Hill, Rt. 366 (Just west of Cornell Orchards) to participate in a discussion of permaculture principles, strategies, and techniques with Steve Gabriel of the Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute. FREE ADMISSION (Potluck lunch - please bring something to share) Please wear closed-toed shoes
Become a Garden Educator! The Gardens4Humanity Garden Educators Training Starts October 1st!
Gardens 4 Humanity (G4H) is recruiting parents, teachers, students and all interested community members to become Gardens 4 Humanity educators. As a G4H educator, you will receive a free
20-hour garden based learning training in exchange for 20-hours of volunteer teaching time. Training will be held Saturday October 1, 10:00am - 3:00pm and Thursdays evenings October 6-November 10, 6:00 - 8:30pm.* The Saturday training will be outside and almost completely hands-on. Location: Greater Ithaca Activity Center (GIAC) 301 Albany Street (unless noted otherwise) *Registration Required: online atccetompkins.org/g4htraining or may be picked up at the CCE office, 615 Willow Avenue, or at GIAC. More info: Liz Falk 607 793 3383, efalk@cornell.edu
Oct 2
Forest Farming Open House at the MacDaniels Nut Grove , 10/2/11
During this open house, you can learn about and practice inoculating a shiitake log, harvesting nuts from tall trees, container production of ornamentals, and more. The event will start at 1:00 PM and run until 4:00. Come anytime, but there will be tours at 1:30 and 3:30 and a hands-on mushroom inoculation activity in between
Harvest Dinner at Stick & Stone Farm
Sunday October 2, 5:00 PM -9:00 PM
Executive Chef Brud Holland of Red Newt Bistro will prepare a gourmet dinner, sourced and served at Stick & Stone Farm, paired with award winning wines from Red Newt Wine Cellars. Enjoy a wine and hors d'oeuvres reception in the fields with live music from the Maplewood Jazz Team followed by a 5-course dinner featuring food harvested just steps away.
Lacto-Fermenation: Pickles, Sauerkraut & More
Tuesday October 4, 3:00 PM -4:30 PM
This FREE workshop will start with a discussion of what lacto-fermentation is, why ferment foods, and consider safety issues. We'll taste test sauerkraut, sour pickles, and kombucha. We will have a chance to make sauerkraut and observe the production of sour pickles and kombucha; taste the final products; take home recipes and a kombucha starter. Please bring a wide-mouthed jar with lid if you would like to bring home a kombucha starter.
Science Cabaret-The Pickle Project
Tuesday October 4, 7:00 PM -8:30 PM
CCE-Tompkins will co-host this installment of The Science Cabaret, featuring Linda Norris of the Pickle Project talking about traditions of food preservation in the Ukraine, and Dr. Randy Worobo, Cornell Dept of Food Science speaking on the science behind pickling. (The Pickle Project: In Ukraine. women pickle, preserve and dry the bounty of gardens, orchards and woodlands. These traditions have been passed down from generations of cooks working both seasonably and sustainably.
Secrets to Successful Canning and Freezing
Wednesday October 5, 7:00 PM -8:30 PM
Learn about home canning and freezing -- the difference between boiling water bath and pressure canning, how to preserve foods safely, how to get the best results when you freeze food, etc. Presented by Carole Fisher, CCE Educator and Master Food Preserver. For more information, call Groton Public Library at (607) 898-5055..
Hunter-Gatherer School Break Days: Primitive Pursuits
Friday October 7, 9:00 AM -3:30 PM
Join Primitive Pursuits for one or two fun-filled days of real time nature connection. With our cookfires burning and our hands busy with the crafts of our ancestors, we will rejoin our circles and welcome the changing season. Fall is the season of the harvest and the season of the hunter, so come live it! Eat your vegetables the old fashioned way - gathered from the wild! Learn how to process harvested foods. Practice your stealth while playing games of the predators that walk our landscape.
Finger Lakes Cheese Trail
Saturday October 8, 10:00 AM -5:00 PM
Learn about the wonderful variety of cheeses produced here in the Finger Lakes by visiting our local cheese producers and sampling their products. The Finger Lakes Cheese Trail is an organization of 13 cheese producers from throughout the Finger Lakes who make artisan cheeses from milk produced at their family farms. Great cheeses are being made, ranging from English style raw milk cheddars, cheese curd, gouda and swiss types from dairy
Saturday October 08, 2011: 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Sunday October 09, 2011: 12:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Saturday November 19, 2011: 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Oct 9
Finger Lakes Cheese Trail
Saturday October 9, Noon -4:00 PM
Learn about the wonderful variety of cheeses produced here in the Finger Lakes by visiting our local cheese producers and sampling their products. The Finger Lakes Cheese Trail is an organization of 13 cheese producers from throughout the Finger Lakes who make artisan cheeses from milk produced at their family farms. Great cheeses are being made, ranging from English style raw milk cheddars, cheese curd, gouda and swiss types from dairy
Sunday October 09, 2011: 12:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Saturday November 19, 2011: 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Fall Harvest Festival for Kids
Monday October 10, 1:30 PM -4:00 PM
Spend the school holiday celebrating the Fall harvest. Children of all ages are invited to enjoy hands-on, harvest-themed activities such as pumpkin painting and more! See harvest foods being prepared and sample the results! FREE to the public. Call (607) 272-2292 for information. http://ccetompkins.org/calendar/10/08/24/fall-harvest-festival-kids
Scarecrow Jubliee & Pumpkin Jam
Saturday October 15, 2:00 PM -6:00 PM
Celebrate everything autumn at the Children's Garden. Scarecrow-making, pumpkin carving, live music, hands-on activities and harvest fun. Great for all ages. For more information, contact Leigh MacDonald-Rizzo, 272-2292 x186 or LAM26@cornell.edu.
LECTURE: Tea’s Flavors: A Celebration of Humans Working with Nature
Audrey O’Connor Lecture, Date: 10/19/2011 - 7:30pm
Location: Statler Hall Auditorium
Speaker: Michael Harney 1977, master tea blender and author
Learn About Root Cellaring
Wednesday October 19, 7:00 PM -8:30 PM
Learn about food storage and root cellaring at this FREE workshop taught by CCE's Monika Roth. For more information, call Groton Public Library at (607) 898-5055.
Oct 22
Greenstar Community Projects presents FOOD JUSTICE SUMMIT & WALKATON on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 9AM-12PM-Walkathon, 12pm-6pm Block party
http://www.greenstarcommunityprojects.org/FJS/WebHome.html Food Sovereignty is the right of peoples to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and their right to define their own food and agriculture systems. It puts the aspirations, needs and livelihoods of those who produce, distribute and consume food at the heart of food systems and policies rather than the demands of markets and corporations. It defends the interests and inclusion of the next generation. It offers a strategy to resist and dismantle the current corporate trade and food regime, and directions for food, farming, pastoral and fisheries systems determined by local producers.
Oct 29
Local composting experts provide information and give hands-on demonstrations to help you set up and manage a compost system in any setting! Each class of this FREE series (offered the last Saturday of the month, 10:00 to 11:00 am) covers composting basics, and special topics are added each month from July through October (see below) will help you address any compost issue you may encounter! Take one or all classes! Bring your composting questions! To sign up in advance, email Adam Michaelids, acm1@cornell.edu or call (607) 272-2292.
October 29 - "Winter Composting" - How to extend the composting season well into the cold months and the preparations necessary to ensure successful composting over the winter.
LECTURE: Grow the Good Life
Date: 11/02/2011 - 7:30pm
Location: Statler Hall Auditorium
Speaker: Michele Owens, author
In her talk, Owens guides us on a cultural tour of the backyard vegetable garden. She considers why most Americans gave up growing food after World War II, and why, in this economic, political, environmental, and epidemiological moment, it makes infinite sense for us to grow food in the backyard again today.
Nov 5
Fall Worm Composting Class
Saturday November 5, 10:00 AM -12:00 PM
Vote for worms! at this election day "vermicomposting" workshop! Learn all you need to know to set up and maintain a worm composting bin. Everyone leaves with a starter bin and worms. Children are welcome with an accompanying adult. Fee: $10/family (sliding scale). Register early at 272-2292. Space is limited!
ServSafe Food Manager Certification Course
Tuesday November 8, 8:30 AM -5:30 PM
This 2-day course provides nationally-recognized certification in food safety and fulfills the new NYS mandatory food handler certification requirement. The ServSafe curriculum uses the most recent FDA Food Code updates/standards. The class continues on Tuesday, November 15th (8:30-5:30). Call to register by October 24, 2011. http://ccetompkins.org/calendar/10/03/24/servsafe-food-manager-certification-course
Harvest Dinner at West Haven Farm
Sunday November 13, 4:30 PM -9:00 PM
Chefs Jen Irwin and Stan Walton from Just a Taste Wine & Tapas Bar will prepare a gourmet dinner, sourced and served at West Haven Farm in Ithaca. Specialty brews from Ithaca Beer Company will accompany the meal. Proceeds benefit the http://ccetompkins.org/calendar/10/08/17/harvest-dinner-west-haven-farm
Ciifad Seminar Series
Wednesday, November 16 at 12:20pm to 1:10pm
Emerson Hall, 135
Exploring a Green Economy Approach to Climate-Smart Agriculture
Sara Scherr, EgoAgriculture Partners http://events.cornell.edu/event/ciif_ad_seminar_series
Local Food, Fiber and Energy Fair
Thursday, November 17 at 2:00pm to 5:00pm
3rd annual fair featuring products by local vendors and information on Cornell programs that support sustainable regional agricultural systems. Co-sponsored by Mann Library, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County, and the Cornell Small Farms Program. http://events.cornell.edu/event/local_food_fiber_and_energy_fair
Finger Lakes Cheese Trail
Saturday November 19, 2011: 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Learn about the wonderful variety of cheeses produced here in the Finger Lakes by visiting our local cheese producers and sampling their products. The Finger Lakes Cheese Trail is an organization of 13 cheese producers from throughout the Finger Lakes who make artisan cheeses from milk produced at their family farms. Great cheeses are being made, ranging from English style raw milk cheddars, cheese curd, gouda and swiss types from dairy

Wow, that is a wonderfully packed schedule. Too bad I just came across this info now.