SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 11, 2011 10am to 3pm
110 DELAWARE AVENUE ITHACA NEW YORK (Next to College Town) @ Irving Place
Permaculture is a design science by which we pattern our surroundings to harmonize with nature rather than to subdue nature. The end result is a farm or garden that is a low-input, self-organizing, mature polyculture ecosystem.
110 Delaware: This working urban homestead and edible landscape marries style and function, and an aesthetically pleasing arrangement of shapes, patterns and colors.
Stop by, Rain or Shine, No Charge 10am to 3pm
Complete rain water catchment system for irrigation
Integrated pond system and fish farm
4 season greenhouse with an enclosed Aquaponic System
Terraced gardens with stone and rock garden microclimates
Solar PV panels and hot water vacuum tubes
Companion plantings, guilds and niches
Timberframe Pergola with mounted solar panels
Alternative clover "lawn"
Special Guests:
Karryn Olson-Ramanujan is a co-founder and lead teacher for the Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute. She'll be here from 12-2 pm to give a brief explanation of permaculture and answer your questions. Karryn emphasizes that permaculture is not "a new way to garden," but aims to teach people the skills to design for a regenerative future for all. She also offers consulting services in Strategic Sustainability Planning.

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