Ithaca CROP WALK for HUNGER, Sunday, 10/2/11, 2 - 4 pm, CASS PARK PAVILION
"Step up. We need you!"
Please help Area Congregations Together (ACT) prepare for the 2011 CROP HUNGER WALK which will be held on Sunday, October 2, 2-4 pm, at the CASS PARK PAVILION. This is a change in venue for ACT's annual CROP WALK. We walk to support those around the world who walk to get their food and water or to take their produce to market.
Numerous local agencies who fight hunger will also be with us at the CASS PARK Pavilion on October 2, 2-4 pm. They will have plenty of educational materials and answer any questions you have about their work. Vitamin L will provide great music prior to the start of the CROP WALK.
Registrations and contributions are handled through Church World Service at their website
Teams and individuals can make a big difference in fighting hunger here in Ithaca and around the world by joining the walk and getting sponsors for their efforts. Would you get involved in the next 4 weeks? I will be available to talk with you at any time. All support and walkers will be very much appreciated and will help end hunger, one step at a time.

Teams and individuals can make a big difference in fighting hunger here in Ithaca and around the world by joining the walk and getting sponsors for their efforts. Would you get involved in the next 4 weeks? I will be available to talk with you at any time. All support and walkers will be very much appreciated and will help end hunger, one step at a time.

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