Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Winter Issue of Edible Finger Lakes Now Available

The winter edition of Edible Finger Lakes is now available at many locations in the region.  Fellow food bloggers Dave from EatingIthaca, Amy from Eggs on Sunday, and Jennifer from Cookin' in the 'Cuse have great articles in this issue.

What's that on the cover?  Cabbage, a ubiquitous vegetable available here throughout the winter.  Who knew that NYS is the #1 cabbage producing state in the country?  And, Ontario County produces 88 million pounds per year.

The cabbage story was written by yours truly, and during my research, I stumbled upon this surprisingly  compelling video of harvesting in action, complete with a groovy soundtrack.  Enjoy.

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  1. Could you please provide a link to your article? I'd love to see it.

  2. Ah, good question -- I actually assumed that it wasn't online yet, but heck, there it was when I searched for it.
