Monday, March 16, 2009

Welcome to Ithaca's Food Web!

I've read a lot about the rise of local food in the national media, and there have been some interesting examples about what individuals, farms, and organizations are doing around the country.  But, I wondered, what's going on right here, locally?  Where is the local reporting on local food and all the issues surrounding it?

That's where Ithaca's Food Web comes in.  Here you will find local news about local food, in and around Ithaca, NY and Tompkins County. News like: Who’s growing, producing, preserving, and cooking local food? What’s in season, where can I buy it, and how do I cook it? How do our food choices connect us to our neighbors and our land? How do national food issues relate to us? Do all people --our neighbors-- have access to fresh, local, whole, and nutritous food if they want it?

You’re invited!
*Contribute your food-related news.
*Offer feedback and comment on posts.
*Tell your friends about this site.
*Offer to write a guest column.
*Consider sponsoring the website.

Have questions? Contact us at

Wondering what’s with the name? A food web is a concept that links all the members of an ecosystem by what they eat, usually shown in a picture or diagram. Here in Ithaca, NY, we could draw a specific diagram linking you, me, everything we eat, etc. Or, we could just have a website like this one :)

Alison’s Pledge 

Who is behind Ithaca's Food Web? Alison Fromme, independent freelance writer. To see a complete bio, visit And, check out the book she helped produce, The Science Writers' Handbook: How to Pitch, Publish, and Prosper in the Digital Age (DaCapo Press 2013), available to pre-order from today.

As a hyper-local online niche publication, Ithaca’s Food Web is breaking new ground.  Ithaca’s Food Web values and abides by journalism ethics, such as:
*gathering information for the benefit of readers
*telling readers the complete story, as best as we can learn it
*correcting errors explicitly as soon as we become aware of them
*avoiding favoritism for particular sources and subjects based on friendships
*always disclosing public relations work, paid or unpaid
*always disclosing advertising and sponsorship relationships

You – Ithaca’s Food Web readers – are smart, critical thinkers. We're eager to hear your feedback, ideas, and concerns.

The Fine Print

Interested in submitting a guest article, opinion piece, or calendar event? We welcome submissions: simply contact with questions and ideas. We regret, however, that we cannot publish all submissions.


Unless otherwise noted, the copyright for this website content (writing and photos) is owned by Alison Fromme. The content may not be used unless explicit written permission is granted.

If you would like to quote briefly from this website, please credit Alison Fromme,

If you would like to request permission to repost, reprint, or redistribute any content, please email

Advertisers and Sponsors
Like what you see? Want to support our work? Interested in connecting with our readers with your organization?

Consider advertising your organization, products, or services on our site. Flexible packages are available. Just ask! 

Simply contact for more information.

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome idea!
    Wait, is that a goat? Does that mean you advocate the eating of goats?
